The line
for the childcare

The birth of a Child changes the life of every parent and the needs and care begin to emerge. Super-tex with the line Tully helps parents with products made for any time of the newborn. for over 50 years, is on the market of small childcare, producing all articles of High Quality "Made in Italy" essential bearer of values. Tully has become a recognized brand and Mothers, through continuous innovation and the ability to interpret the needs of a unique and delicate moment of the birth of the Child. Our goal is to retain and attract an increasing number of Mothers, through the modern approach to Trade that Super-tex implements strategic objective to be achieved consistently. Our commitment in this area, is made of love, technology and constant control of quality.
TULLY ... helps to grow

Allattamento - Nursing

The milk is the primary food for feed a Baby, it should be given with love and delicacy. The Bottle and Teats Tully characteristics, size, smoothness and shape are perfect for the place of the mother's breast.

  • Biberon in vetro - Glass Bottle

    Tettarella in lattice (Latex Teat)
    125 ml

  • Biberon 250 ml in Tritan "Classico"

    Bocca stretta, Pappa facile con appendino orsetto. Tettarella in lattice e silicone (Latex or silicon Teat)

  • Biberon 250 ml/150 ml presa sicura in Tritan

    Collo stretto c/ tettarella in silicone/lattice (Latex or silicon teat)

  • Biberon orsetto 250 ml in Tritan

    Collo stretto presa sicura c/ tettarella in silicone/lattice (Latex or silicon teat)

  • Biberon 130 ml in Tritan

    Presa facile c/ tettarella antisinghiozzo in silicone/lattice (Latex or silicon teat)

  • Biberon in Tritan presa facile - Tritan Bottle (Easy grip)

    Tettarella in lattice (Latex Teat)
    250 ml

  • Biberon presa facile - Easy grip

    Tettarella in silicone (Silicon Teat)
    300 ml (cod. 315) - 225 ml (cod. 313) - 130 ml (cod. 314)

  • Biberon presa facile in Tritan - Easy grip (Tritan)

    Tettarella in lattice (Latex Teat) - 300 ml, 225 ml, 130 ml
    cod. 107

  • Biberon ondine presa sicura - Waves Easy grip

    Tettarella in lattice o silicone in Polipropilene (Teat Latex or Silicon) - 250 ml
    cod. 316

  • Biberon Cilindrico - cylindrical

    Tettarella in lattice (Latex Teat)
    250 ml (cod. 112) - 150 ml (cod. 113)

  • Biberon presa sicura - Safety grip

    Tettarella in lattice o silicone (Latex or Silicon Teat)
    250 ml (cod. 300) - 150 ml (cod. 297)

  • Sgocciolatoio - Safety grip

    Biberon, Tettarelle e Accessori - Feeding bottle, Teats, Accessories
    (cod. 176)

  • Sterilizzatore - Sterilizer

    A freddo e Microonde - Cold and Microwave
    (cod. 1825)

  • Scovolino - Pipe cleaner

    Per Biberon - For Feeding bottle
    (cod. 191)

  • Tettarella in Lattice - Teat Latex

    (cod. 191)

  • Tettarella in Silicone - Teat Silicon

    (cod. 320)

Dentizione - Theethin

The Soother Tully, develop properly the palate of the baby. Available with silicon teat and pure natural latex.

  • Succhietto Orsetto - Horse Soother

    Tettina silicone o lattice

  • Succhietto Anatomico

    Tettina silicone o lattice

  • Succhietto Farfalla - Butterfly Soother

    Traslucido tettina anatomica in Silicone
    (Translucent, Anatomical, Silicon Teat )
    1pz (cod. 883)

  • Succhietto Farfalla - Butterfly Soother

    Traslucido tettina anatomica in Lattice
    (Translucent, Anatomical, Latex Teat )
    1pz (cod. 884)

  • Succhietto Classico - Classic Soother

    Tettina in Lattice e in Silicone (Latex and Silicon Teat)
    1pz in lattice (cod. 880) - 1pz in Silicone (cod. 881)

  • Gommotto - Soother

    Tettina anatomica (Anatomical Teat)
    1pz (cod. 896)

  • Borsetta portasucchietto - Soother holder purse

    1pz (cod. 866)

  • Refrigerante manina - Refrigerant little hand

    1pz (cod. 109)

  • Refrigerante orsetto - Refrigerant bear

    1pz (cod. 109)

  • Chiavi dentizione morbide - Theething key

    (cod. 108)

  • Chiavi dentizione - Theething key

    (cod. 105)

Igiene e Sicurezza - Hygiene and Security

For the relief and welfare is required careful hygiene protection of the Child. Articles Tully, products with expert attention, ensuring hygiene, safety and fun for the Child.

  • Riduttore morbido per water con maniglie

    Soft Toilet reducer with handles

  • Riduttore water - Water adapter

    (cod. 217)

  • Vasino anatomico - Anatomic potty

    Con schienale - With back (cod. 220)

  • Vasino anatomico Ovetto - Anatomic potty, Egg

    (cod. 214)

  • Vaschetta bagnetto con tappino orsetto

  • Spazzola in nylon e Pettine - Nylon brush and Scallop

    (cod. 168)

  • Forbicine - Little Scissors

    (cod. 201)

  • Appendiabito per bambini - Crutch for baby

    (cod. 210)

  • Spugna naturale di mare - Natural sponge sea

    (cod. 247)

  • Paraspigoli - Edge protection

    Orsetto sopra sotto ad incastro - Bear on, under interlocking 4 pz (cod. 267)

Pappa - Baby Food

Tully has made for feeding a wide range of products, such as plates, cups, spoons, cups, bowls that allow the Mother, from the stage of weaning to feed Child with joy and fun.

  • Piatto trasparente

    Con ventosa - With sucker

  • Piatto pappa calda - Hot meal dish

    Con ventosa - With sucker (cod. 178)

  • Scodellina Microonde - Small bowl microwave

    Bi-Componente - Two components (cod. 200)

  • Tazza 4 usi - Cup four uses

    Beccuccio e tettarella in lattice - Spout and teat latex (cod. 253)

  • Cucchiaio ergonomico

    Manico classico

  • Cucchiaio manico orsetto


  • Cucchiaio in silicone

    Cucchiaio prima pappa manico ergonomico.

  • Cucchiaio in similsilicone

    Assaggia pappa ergonomico igenico

  • Cucchiaio - Spoon

    Silicone ergonomico - Silicon ergonomic (cod. 146)

  • Set posatine - Cutlery set

    Prima pappa - First meal (cod. 150)

Giochi - Toys

The common element in Children of all ages is one: the game. For the development of attitudes and stimulate learning of the Child tully provides amusements music and the first games, to manipulate and bite from early childhood.

  • Trillino campanelle - Rattle bells

    (cod. 244)

  • Termometro bagno - Bath thermometer

    (cod. 250)

  • Chiavi dentizione morbide - Theething key

    (cod. 108)

  • Chiavi dentizione - Theething key

    (cod. 105)